How HR Can Drive Revenue

Business woman holding financial report analyzing and planning how HR drives revenue.

Your human resource department is capable of much more than hiring, firing, and writing the rules. When you invest in a strategic approach, HR drives revenue through its initiatives. In fact, organizations that focus on employee engagement see three times the revenue per employee. Instead of thinking about HR as something you need to do […]

Explaining Job Architecture

People working on job architecture

Would you rather build your home with a blueprint or your very best guess? Unless you’re prone to living on the edge, the answer is easy. A sturdy foundation is a lifesaver, and that applies to your company’s talent strategy too. Job architecture saves your business from numerous headaches, inefficiencies, and inequities. It empowers you […]

What is Human Capital Management?

Human capital management (HCM), though not a particularly inviting phrase, is an essential strategic function for every business with employees. It’s the fuel to your fire, and without an intentional approach, your whole organization could burn out. So what falls under the purview of human capital management, and how is it different from human resource […]

Employee Wellness Ideas for World Health Day

Fitness instructor stretching while leading virtual fitness class from living room

The growing focus on holistic employee wellness is more than a trend; it’s necessary. Naturally, the health and well-being of your employees play a significant role in their productivity. In addition, investing in health and wellness beyond your insurance policies can land you more efficient, loyal employees. So in celebration of World Health Day, let’s […]

Developing a Total Rewards Strategy

Developing an effective total rewards strategy is a critical step toward improving, among other things, your employee retention rates. Sure, people want to earn a high salary, but so much more goes into play during a job search. Inclusive, competitive total rewards strategies align organizations under a consistent philosophy of the value they provide. In […]

How to increase PTO usage in 2023

Calendar with Date circles on an island with a green striped beach umbrella and beach ball

Did PTO usage hit a healthy amount for your employees this year? If your employees underutilized their PTO in 2022, they aren’t alone. 55% of Americans don’t use up their paid time off, leaving 6.5 days of unused PTO on average. Although it feels nice to have a full staff on hand every day, it […]

HR Audit Checklist

File folder container papers and checklist being examined by a magnifying glass

The holiday season is a perfect time to take a step back and examine your strategy with an HR audit. By conducting a holistic review of your HR strengths and weaknesses, you’ll know exactly where to focus your energy in 2023. But how does an HR audit work?  HR audits provide a clear picture of […]

Return to office best practices

Businesses worldwide kicked their return to office plans into gear this month. As you can imagine, some of those processes have gone smoother than others. Maybe your business is sitting on a mostly empty office, and you’re ready to fill those seats. Let’s take a look at the best ways to get that done. Fully […]

7 Open Enrollment tips for employers

Business Professional with Hearing Disabiliity

Open enrollment is an exciting time for employees and their HR teams alike. This is the time of year when companies often roll out new benefits or updates to old ones. However, it can quickly overwhelm everyone involved without a defined strategy to guide your employees through this process.  You’ve already worked hard to create […]

Payroll Service Essentials

Man calculating budget and finances

Payroll services are the grease that keeps the wheels turning at any business. When the process runs smoothly, you won’t hear a thing from anyone. However, payroll can be delicate, and kinks in the system throw a major wrench in your employee morale, efficiency, and potentially retention. Therefore, it’s something you absolutely must get right.  […]

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