10 ways to boost employee morale this winter

As the colder months set in and we re-adjust to working life after a well-earned holiday, finding the motivation to “win” in January is often easier said than done! While the new year signals a fresh start, new opportunities, and the chance to do things differently, it can also prove a challenging time with the […]
5 Trends in HR Transforming the Workplace in 2022

Despite the many challenges Human Resources has faced over the last two years, 2021 has proven to be a valuable year of learning for all – from evolving leadership to inspiring the resilience of employees. With the traditional workplace model a thing of the past and the employee experience now front and center for the […]
In-person working: 5 tips on adjusting to the “new normal”

For businesses across the world, returning to work has been far from the norm of pre-pandemic life. While technology has enabled us to implement remote workforces in a face-to-face capacity, re-adjusting to an in-person environment has had its various challenges. With patience, empathy, and leadership driving change in a positive way, there is light at […]
The Power of Gratitude and How We Can Show it in the Workplace

Gratitude, in whatever form we choose to show it goes further now than it ever has before. From small acts of kindness to words of encouragement when they’re needed the most, gratitude continues to empower us through the pandemic as we put one foot in front of the other. With Thanksgiving providing employees with a […]
Workplace Wellbeing: How to make your business future-fit for employees

Since the global pandemic hit, “workplace wellbeing” is a term we hear mentioned A LOT these days. While some businesses manage to get it right, others struggle to strike the balance. So, when it comes down to it, what does workplace wellbeing mean – and how can employers champion it as part of their company DNA in a way that offers genuine […]
How To Fire Someone (The Right Way)

Does ‘Employment At Will’ still really exist? So you’ve reached the end of the road with an employee, they aren’t pulling they weight and they have to go, but you don’t know how to fire someone. Moreover, they happen to be a member of a protected class and you’re panicking over the potential blow back […]
How to Implement Employee Benefits

Don’t be scared – Employee Benefits can actually make your business more efficient! Are you a small business owner who’s grown to a size where employee benefits are now a legal hurdle, in order to grow further? Maybe you’ve gone with a broker and are caught in the minefield of implementation. Whatever your situation, you are […]
How to Attract the Best Talent and Hold on to Them

Attraction and retention are the cornerstones of HR. Here’s how to ensure that you’re doing yours – the right way.