7 ways HR can help drive sustainability for businesses

7 ways HR can help drive sustainability for businesses

While industries face new challenges linked to the economic climate, real-world climate change continues to shift our shared perspective. Those willing to embrace everyday sustainable practices can hope to drive positive change from the ground up, re-defining a company’s social purpose and culture. To mark this year’s Earth Day, we explore 7 ways HR can help drive sustainability for businesses.

Mind-boggling as it may sound, the majority of all plastic ever made still exists. So much so that by 2050, it has been predicted there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. While it may seem like a hopeless situation, there is still time to act; even the smallest changes we make both in our personal and professional lives can make a difference. So, for SMBs keen to take action, how can HR drive sustainability for businesses in a tangible way?

From new candidates to existing members of staff, employees who feel empowered to build a sustainable world through innovation are better equipped to achieve these collective goals. HR teams who champion the sustainability agenda can help keep the momentum going, propelling businesses towards a greener future.

Drive sustainability for your business

🌎1 – Make sustainability part of your recruitment/onboarding

From meeting candidates on Zoom for the first time, to helping new starters find their feet; businesses that broach sustainability goals early in the employment journey are more likely to inspire change in others. Discussing green initiatives at the early interview stage can also help companies establish the right cultural fit in new recruits.

🌎2 – Channel sustainability within everyday processes

Transitioning to a paper-free hiring process? Implementing automated processes to eliminate the need for physical filing? All of these things contribute to a company’s greener practices on everyday scale. Empowering employees with the right tools to follow suit also sets a precedent for futureproof operations across the business.

🌎3 – Build a team of sustainable champions

For SMBs to make a real difference, each and every team member within the organization should feel empowered as an ambassador for change. From company owners planting the first seed, to prospective candidates sharing their views on environmental issues; all play a part in nurturing and maintaining a sustainable business model.

Drive sustainability for your business

🌎4 – Prioritize sustainability through incentives

Like all other business KPIs, sustainability goals should be positioned so as to give them the same prominence. Incentivizing employees for acting more consciously can help companies maintain motivation and deliver on its sustainable pledges. Reward schemes that feed into regular performance reviews can promote the realization that everybody within the business can make a real difference.

🌎5 – Cultivate a culture of accountability

With the right training in place, businesses can grow alongside their employees by holding themselves accountable for their actions. With a clear view on the societal and environmental impact of such goals, an employee’s role suddenly becomes part of something bigger. Teams that take a collective approach to ownership are more likely to succeed in implementing sustainable measures.

🌎6 – Provide volunteering opportunities

Volunteer opportunities are a great opportunity for businesses to promote a sustainable ethos while giving back to local communities. Whether adding volunteer days to an employee’s annual leave or introducing a volunteer week where the whole company takes part; businesses that make time to support causes close to their hearts can nurture the wider team spirit while boosting morale.

🌎7 – Ensure all voices feel heard

When it comes to the topic of sustainability, everyone will have their say. Organizations who recognize this can build a platform for all voices to be heard. When encouraged to share their ideas, employees can help foster a culture of innovation and understanding – implementing sustainable transformations that everyone can feel proud of.

Alongside profit and growth, HR teams that drive sustainability for businesses as the cornerstone of a company’s purpose can – in turn – help to attract the right candidates. Only with the right team of like-minded individuals can SMBs strive to make the changes they wish to see an eventual reality. By seeing past our own needs tomorrow can we hope to ensure the same opportunities for the many generations yet to come.

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